Turn your users’ voice into product insights. Automatically.
Go from signup to setup in 7 minutes.
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Connect your tools
Connect Zendesk, Intercom, Hubspot, Typeform or any other tool via Zapier, Segment, or API.
Automatically analyze data
Get automatic topic, sentiment, and type labels, information synthesis, and insights powered by GPT-4.
Get weekly insights reports
Receive a quick overview of new issues and opportunities found.
Add research questions and upload interviews
Steer analysis your way to ensure insights are relevant and actionable.
Find answers within each interview
Receive a list of highlights answering your questions. Then click to watch the specific part of your recording.
Get a report with insights & recommendations
Don’t spend hours identifying themes across interviews. Generate a report and share it with your team.
How does the analysis work?
1. A new data point is imported to Collectif
As soon as a new data point, e.g. a support ticket or feedback, is created in your system, it’s sent to Collectif.
2. Personal information is anonymized
Before your data is analyzed with GPT-4, the text is redacted and PII is removed.
3. Topics and key Highlights are identified
Topics are top-level categories defined by you, and assigned by AI. These can be specific features or more general areas like “User Interface”.
In each data point Collectif identifies mentioned Topics and lists Highlights (key pieces of information), along with their sentiment and type, e.g. Complaint.
4. Every week Collectif discovers Insights
At the end of the week, Collectif discovers recurring themes called Insights.
5. You receive a notification
When the analysis is complete you receive an email with a link to the report.
Want to get notified in Slack? It is on our roadmap!
Explore Topics, discover Insights, and check their Source.
And what can you do?
Explore Insights
Choose a timeframe and user attributes like MRR to drill down into specific needs and issues your customers face.
Get Answers & Evidence
Ask a question and receive a quick answer along with the data points it was based on.
Find Data On Specific Topics
Filter resources by a Topic with no manual tagging.
Speed Up Interview Analysis
Get transcriptions, summaries, and lists of Highlights linked to the exact times in your recordings.
Test Your Hypotheses
Add research questions, upload multiple interviews, and let Collectif put it all together within minutes.
Do Research From One Place
Search through different types of resources all at once, without switching between systems.
Streamline Collaboration
Take notes, comment, and share interesting finds with your team.
Group Resources In Projects
Organize your research into goal-oriented boards for easier analysis.
Dive Deep In Custom Reports
Create reports like in web analytics tools, just on qualitative data.
Want more? Us too!
See what’s coming next on our public roadmap.
Turn Discovery On.
Start in 7 minutes.
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