Get the A/B Testing Competitor Feature Overview

We spent 11 hours gathering the data so you can have it with no effort.

11 Competitors

Find gaps in your offering

Discover Collectif

You’ll receive the Competitor Overview after the call.

Discover Product Issues & Growth Opportunities.
In Minutes, not Days.

  • Discover insights buried in support tickets, feedback forms, sales calls, and more.
  • Streamline user research and automate analysis.

You’ll receive the Competitor Overview after the call.

Quick test ride? Let’s analyze 100 reviews for Free.

For product

Optimize your roadmap with comprehensive evidence

For research & UX

Streamline user research and identify usability issues


Find gaps in your customer education programs

For product marketing

Craft messaging that truly resonates

AI User Research Software for SaaS

Connect your tools, turn all interactions into an easy-to-use dashboard

Identify Themes,
Find Evidence with Ease

Turn what your customers say across their entire journey into insights, linked to their source for full context.

Save Hours on Research,
Know Better than Ever

Have a question in mind? Select the topic, the time frame, and ask away! You’ll get the answer along with every piece of evidence it was based on.

Forget the Mess,
Have it All in One Place

Tired of data scattered across different tools and teams? Find all relevant resources in a few clicks. Then take notes, comment, and share.

How does it work?

Connect the tools used across your company or upload interviews

Get automatic transcripts, topic & sentiment labels, summaries, and insights generated by GPT-4

Quickly discover issues and opportunities, or even easier — ask your data questions!

Examples of your Use Cases

Prioritize bug fixes based on frequency in support tickets.

Speed up interview analysis with transcriptions, summaries, and auto-tagging.

Review sales call summaries to pinpoint product-related objections.

Use feedback from lost deals to influence product direction.

Speed up interview analysis with transcriptions, summaries, and auto-tagging.

Identify usability issues mentioned in support tickets and feedback forms.

Gain deeper insight into new users’ challenges thanks to sales call analysis.

Organize your research and share with other teams with ease.

Gain the deepest understanding of voice of customer, effortlessly.

Identify gaps in your customer education program and help users solve their problems.

Assess the general experience using sentiment from reviews and feedback forms.

Have one dashboard to report on CX metrics like NPS or CSAT.

Understand customer’s decision-making using sales call summaries.

Define messaging and information hierarchy based on topic frequency.

Find feature-specific feedback and research in a few clicks.

Adapt promotional strategy based on patterns from deal and churn reasons.

Break the Silos.
Bring the Insights.

With Collectif, everyone’s on the inside –
you don’t just share data, you share understanding.

These days are over:

No single source of truth about your customer

Many decisions are based on a gut feeling

Teams often disagree

You waste time looking for information

Lots of data is never analyzed

Old research is hard to find

Your reality, tomorrow:

All qualitative data converted into actionable insights

Complete information at your fingertips

Harmonized teamwork with shared perspectives

Decisions backed by evidence

Past research is easily accessible

Clear understanding of your customer/user

Fostering customer-centric culture

You’re empowered to build great CX/UX

Make Winning Product &
Growth Decisions.

In Minutes, not Days.

You’ll receive the Competitor Overview after the call.

Quick test ride? Let’s analyze 100 reviews for Free.